TV360 MONITOR Partner Program: Terms of Service

Last updated August 28, 2020

  1. Payouts are made on the 20th of each month.
  2. Partners need to accrue $50 in their account in order to qualify for a payout. If the balance is lower than $50, the balance will roll over to the next month(s) until the minimum is reached.
  3. Referral commissions are approved on a monthly basis. There is a minimum delay of 30 days before approving pending commission.
  4. Depending on when a commission is earned in a month, it can be pending for up to 60 days.
  5. Commissions can only be earned on TV360 MONITOR annual or monthly plans. Commission can only be earned if the subscription remains active; commission cannot be earned if a TV360 MONITOR subscriber has cancelled their account.
  6. Self-referrals are not allowed.
  7. Abuse or gaming will result in the closing of the partner program account.
  8. Actions that constitute as abuse, gaming, or self-referral are at the sole determination of Parrot Analytics.
  9. Parrot Analytics reserves the right at any time to: a) change the terms of the TV360 MONITOR partner program terms and conditions, and b) terminate a partner program account.
  10. Termination of a partner account, for any reason, results in all pending commissions being voided.